-- (c) 2021 Supabase Inc. -- license: https://github.com/supabase/supabase/blob/master/LICENSE -- https://github.com/supabase/supabase/blob/30b9f748fe163420375244fa350e14bcfa235a3f/docker/volumes/db/init/03-post-setup.sql ALTER ROLE postgres SET search_path TO "\$user",public,extensions; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION extensions.notify_api_restart() RETURNS event_trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ BEGIN NOTIFY ddl_command_end; END; $$; CREATE EVENT TRIGGER api_restart ON ddl_command_end EXECUTE PROCEDURE extensions.notify_api_restart(); COMMENT ON FUNCTION extensions.notify_api_restart IS 'Sends a notification to the API to restart. If your database schema has changed, this is required so that Supabase can rebuild the relationships.'; -- Trigger for pg_cron CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION extensions.grant_pg_cron_access() RETURNS event_trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE schema_is_cron bool; BEGIN schema_is_cron = ( SELECT n.nspname = 'cron' FROM pg_event_trigger_ddl_commands() AS ev LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace AS n ON ev.objid = n.oid ); IF schema_is_cron THEN grant usage on schema cron to postgres with grant option; alter default privileges in schema cron grant all on tables to postgres with grant option; alter default privileges in schema cron grant all on functions to postgres with grant option; alter default privileges in schema cron grant all on sequences to postgres with grant option; alter default privileges for user supabase_admin in schema cron grant all on sequences to postgres with grant option; alter default privileges for user supabase_admin in schema cron grant all on tables to postgres with grant option; alter default privileges for user supabase_admin in schema cron grant all on functions to postgres with grant option; grant all privileges on all tables in schema cron to postgres with grant option; END IF; END; $$; CREATE EVENT TRIGGER issue_pg_cron_access ON ddl_command_end WHEN TAG in ('CREATE SCHEMA') EXECUTE PROCEDURE extensions.grant_pg_cron_access(); COMMENT ON FUNCTION extensions.grant_pg_cron_access IS 'Grants access to pg_cron'; -- Supabase dashboard user CREATE ROLE dashboard_user NOSUPERUSER CREATEDB CREATEROLE REPLICATION; GRANT ALL ON DATABASE postgres TO dashboard_user; GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA auth TO dashboard_user; GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA extensions TO dashboard_user; GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA storage TO dashboard_user; GRANT ALL ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA auth TO dashboard_user; GRANT ALL ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA extensions TO dashboard_user; -- GRANT ALL ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA storage TO dashboard_user; GRANT ALL ON ALL SEQUENCES IN SCHEMA auth TO dashboard_user; GRANT ALL ON ALL SEQUENCES IN SCHEMA storage TO dashboard_user; GRANT ALL ON ALL SEQUENCES IN SCHEMA extensions TO dashboard_user; GRANT ALL ON ALL ROUTINES IN SCHEMA auth TO dashboard_user; GRANT ALL ON ALL ROUTINES IN SCHEMA storage TO dashboard_user; GRANT ALL ON ALL ROUTINES IN SCHEMA extensions TO dashboard_user;