import type { Book } from "../library"; import type { Browser, BrowserContext, ImageFile } from "../browser"; var NFBR: any; export async function getImageFiles(): Promise<Array<ImageFile>> { const params = new URLSearchParams(; const model = new NFBR.a6G.Model({ settings: new NFBR.Settings("NFBR.SettingData"), viewerFontSize: NFBR.a0X.a3K, viewerFontFace: NFBR.a0X.a3k, viewerSpreadDouble: true, viewerSpread: {}, }); const a6l = new NFBR.a6G.a6L(model); const a2f = new NFBR.a2F(); const a5w = await a2f.a5W({ contentId: params.get(NFBR.a5q.Key.CONTENT_ID), a6m: params.get(NFBR.a5q.Key.a6M), preview: params.get(NFBR.a5q.Key.LOOK_INSIDE) !== NFBR.a5q.LookInsideType.DISABLED, previewType: params.get(NFBR.a5q.Key.LOOK_INSIDE) ?? NFBR.a5q.LookInsideType.DISABLED, contentType: a6l.getContentType(), title: true, }); const content = new NFBR.a6i.Content(a5w.url); const a5n = new NFBR.a5n(); await a5n.a5s(content, "configuration", a6l); const imageFiles: Array<ImageFile> = []; for (const index of Object.keys(content.files)) { const file = content.files[index]; const conf = content.configuration.contents[index]; const { No, DummyWidth, DummyHeight, Size: { Width, Height }, } = file.FileLinkInfo.PageLinkInfoList[0].Page; const page = new NFBR.a6i.Page( `${conf.file}/${No}.jpeg`, index, `${conf["original-file-path"]}#-acs-position-${file.PageToBookmark[0][0]}-${file.PageToBookmark[0][1]}`, ); const w = [...`${conf.file}/${No}`] .map((c) => c.charCodeAt(0)) .reduce((a, cc) => a + cc, 0); const pattern = (w % NFBR.a0X.a3h) + 1; const blocks = NFBR.a3E.a3f( Width + DummyWidth, Height + DummyHeight, NFBR.a0X.a3g, NFBR.a0X.a3G, pattern, ); const url = `${a5w.url}${page.url}`; imageFiles.push({ url, blocks, width: Width, height: Height, }); } return imageFiles; } export function DmmBooks(browser: Browser) { async function* getSeriesBooks( ctx: BrowserContext, series: { seriesId: string; shopName: string; title: string; authors: Array<string>; }, ): AsyncGenerator<Book> { const endpoint = `${series.shopName}&series_id=${series.seriesId}`; const pager = { page: 1, perPage: 0, totalCount: Infinity, }; while (( - 1) * pager.perPage <= pager.totalCount) { const res = await ctx.request.get(`${endpoint}&page=${}`); if (!res.ok()) { throw new Error(`${res.status()} ${res.statusText()}`); } const body: { volume_books: Array<{ title: string; purchased?: { streaming_url: string; }; }>; pager: { page: number; per_page: number; total_count: number; }; } = await res.json(); for (const book of body.volume_books.filter((b) => b.purchased)) { yield { id: NaN, platform: "dmm-books", readerUrl: book.purchased?.streaming_url!, title: book.title || series.title || "", authors: series.authors, }; process.stderr.write("."); } += 1; pager.perPage = body.pager.per_page; pager.totalCount = body.pager.total_count; } } async function* getAllBooks(ctx: BrowserContext): AsyncGenerator<Book> { const endpoint = ""; const pager = { page: 1, perPage: 0, totalCount: Infinity, }; while (( - 1) * pager.perPage <= pager.totalCount) { const res = await ctx.request.get(`${endpoint}&page=${}`); if (!res.ok()) { throw new Error(`${res.status()} ${res.statusText()}`); } const body: { series_books: Array<{ shop_name: string; series_id: string; title: string; author: Array<string>; }>; pager: { page: number; per_page: number; total_count: number; }; } = await res.json(); for (const series of body.series_books) { yield* getSeriesBooks(ctx, { seriesId: series.series_id, shopName: series.shop_name, title: series.title, authors:, }); } += 1; pager.perPage = body.pager.per_page; pager.totalCount = body.pager.total_count; } } return { async *pull(): AsyncGenerator<Book> { const ctx = await browser.loadBrowserContext("dmm-books"); yield* getAllBooks(ctx); process.stderr.write(`\n`); }, async getFiles(book: Book): Promise<Array<() => Promise<Blob>>> { const ctx = await browser.loadBrowserContext("dmm-books"); const page = await ctx.newPage(); await page.goto(book.readerUrl); const imageFiles = await page.evaluate(getImageFiles); return => async () => { const blob = await browser.drawImage(page, imageFile); process.stderr.write("."); return blob; }); }, loginEndpoints: [ "", "", ], loginSuccessUrl: (url: URL) => ["", ""].includes(url.href), logoutEndpoints: [ "", "", ], }; } DmmBooks.siteUrl = (url: URL) => ["", ""].includes(url.origin);