import { EventEmitter } from 'events'; import { promises as fs } from 'fs'; import * as path from 'path'; /** * Interval of file system polling, in milliseconds. */ const PollingInterval = 100; const SysfsGPIOPath = '/sys/class/gpio'; const GPIOPortMapSizeMax = 1024; const Uint16Max = 65535; function parseUint16(parseString: string) { const n = Number.parseInt(parseString, 10); if (0 <= n && n <= Uint16Max) return n; else throw new RangeError(`Must be between 0 and ${Uint16Max}.`); } type PortNumber = number; type PortName = string; type PinName = string; type DirectionMode = 'in' | 'out'; type GPIOValue = 0 | 1; interface GPIOChangeEvent { readonly value: GPIOValue; readonly port: GPIOPort; } interface GPIOChangeEventHandler { (event: GPIOChangeEvent): void; } export class GPIOAccess extends EventEmitter { private readonly _ports: GPIOPortMap; onchange: GPIOChangeEventHandler | undefined; constructor(ports?: GPIOPortMap) { super(); this._ports = ports == null ? new GPIOPortMap() : ports; this._ports.forEach((port) => port.on('change', (event) => { this.emit('change', event); }) ); this.on('change', (event: GPIOChangeEvent): void => { if (this.onchange !== undefined) this.onchange(event); }); } get ports(): GPIOPortMap { return this._ports; } /** * Unexport all exported GPIO ports. */ async unexportAll(): Promise { await Promise.all( [...this.ports.values()].map((port) => port.exported ? port.unexport() : undefined ) ); } } /** * Different from Web GPIO API specification. */ export class GPIOPortMap extends Map {} export class GPIOPort extends EventEmitter { private readonly _portNumber: PortNumber; private readonly _pollingInterval: number; private _direction: DirectionMode | OperationError; private _exported: boolean | OperationError; private _exportRetry: number; private _value: GPIOValue | undefined; private _timeout: ReturnType | undefined; onchange: GPIOChangeEventHandler | undefined; constructor(portNumber: PortNumber) { super(); this._portNumber = parseUint16(portNumber.toString()); this._pollingInterval = PollingInterval; this._direction = new OperationError('Unknown direction.'); this._exported = new OperationError('Unknown export.'); this._exportRetry = 0; this.on('change', (event: GPIOChangeEvent): void => { if (this.onchange !== undefined) this.onchange(event); }); } get portNumber(): PortNumber { return this._portNumber; } get portName(): PortName { return `gpio${this.portNumber}`; } get pinName(): PinName { // NOTE: Unknown pinName. return ''; } get direction(): DirectionMode { if (this._direction instanceof OperationError) throw this._direction; return this._direction; } get exported(): boolean { if (this._exported instanceof OperationError) throw this._exported; return this._exported; } async export(direction: DirectionMode): Promise { if (!/^(in|out)$/.test(direction)) { throw new InvalidAccessError(`Must be "in" or "out".`); } try { await fs.access(path.join(SysfsGPIOPath, this.portName)); this._exported = true; } catch { this._exported = false; } try { clearInterval(this._timeout as ReturnType); if (!this.exported) { await fs.writeFile( path.join(SysfsGPIOPath, 'export'), String(this.portNumber) ); } await fs.writeFile( path.join(SysfsGPIOPath, this.portName, 'direction'), direction ); if (direction === 'in') { this._timeout = setInterval( // eslint-disable-next-line, this._pollingInterval ); } } catch (error: any) { if (this._exportRetry == 0) { await sleep(100); console.warn('May be the first time port access. Retry..'); ++this._exportRetry; await this.export(direction); } else { throw new OperationError(error); } } this._direction = direction; this._exported = true; } async unexport(): Promise { clearInterval(this._timeout as ReturnType); try { await fs.writeFile( path.join(SysfsGPIOPath, 'unexport'), String(this.portNumber) ); } catch (error: any) { throw new OperationError(error); } this._exported = false; } async read(): Promise { if (!(this.exported && this.direction === 'in')) { throw new InvalidAccessError( `The exported must be true and value of direction must be "in".` ); } try { const buffer = await fs.readFile( path.join(SysfsGPIOPath, this.portName, 'value') ); const value = parseUint16(buffer.toString()) as GPIOValue; if (this._value !== value) { this._value = value; this.emit('change', { value, port: this }); } return value; } catch (error: any) { throw new OperationError(error); } } async write(value: GPIOValue): Promise { if (!(this.exported && this.direction === 'out')) { throw new InvalidAccessError( `The exported must be true and value of direction must be "out".` ); } try { await fs.writeFile( path.join(SysfsGPIOPath, this.portName, 'value'), parseUint16(value.toString()).toString() ); } catch (error: any) { throw new OperationError(error); } } } export class InvalidAccessError extends Error { constructor(message: string) { super(message); =; } } export class OperationError extends Error { constructor(message: string) { super(message); =; } } // Web GPIOの仕様に基づく意図的なasync関数の使用なので、ルールを無効化 // eslint-disable-next-line export async function requestGPIOAccess(): Promise { const ports = new GPIOPortMap( [...Array(GPIOPortMapSizeMax).keys()].map((portNumber) => [ portNumber, new GPIOPort(portNumber), ]) ); return new GPIOAccess(ports); } function sleep(ms: number) { return new Promise((resolve) => { return setTimeout(resolve, ms); }); }